There is so much to do to reduce your impact on the environment, and what better time to do it than Earth Day, and to that end, while not completely exhaustive, here is a pretty long list of things to do on Earth Day, and everyday:
- Get indoor plants
- Invest in quality not quantity.
- Learn to say no.
- Simplify.
- Minimize.
- Refuse single use plastics.
- Get some plants for your home. Improve your indoor environment.
- Switch to eco-friendly products for your home.
- Replace disposable with a long term solution (think napkins, straws, diapers, etc.).
- Make your own cleaning products.
- Shop local.
- Reuse your glass jars and plastic containers. We love our coconut oil jars for smoothies.Plant a vegetable garden.
- Compost.
- Recycle properly.
- Go outside.
Go Outside! - Get a zero waste kit and start minimizing your trash.
- Use rags and other reusable towels instead of paper towels. The impact of this is staggering.
- Figure out interesting ways to cook with your food “scraps.“
- Buy refillable items, instead of one use items.
- Vow to never use a plastic bag again.
- Keep reusable bags in your car so that you are ready for every spur of the moment errand.
- Learn what is and what isn’t environmentally friendly
- Teach your friends and family.
- Skip the plastic straw when dining out.
- Green all of your holidays, not just this one.
- Cook for yourself, instead of eating out.
- Consider trading, instead of buying.
- Host a clothing, book, appliance, you name it, swap.
- Give eco-friendly gifts.
- Clean up your beauty routine.
- Make your own beauty products.
- Use bar soap.
- User reusable cotton swabs.
- Coconut oil!
- Take a Hike!
- Shop Vintage.
- STOP buying fast fashion.
- Use eco-friendly or reusable wrapping paper.
- Dress On Purpose.
- Write a letter to your Congressperson, Governor, City Councilperson, etc. about your environmental concerns.
- Consider packaging when you buy.
- Bring your own fork and spoon.
- Bring your own lunch, for that matter.
- Bring it in a glass container, and eliminate the plastic.
- Or grab a zero waste lunch kit:
- Don’t shop just to shop.
- Buy in bulk.
- Or don’t buy at all.
- Take a shopping hiatus.
- Turn off the lights
- Open the windows.
- Unplug, both literally and figuratively.
- Plant a tree.
- Walk.
- Ride your bike.
- Take a bus.
- Carpool.
- Stop getting catalogs.
- Repair leaks.
- Try grounding.
Grounding, photo courtesy of Elle Mexico - Repair your belongings.
- Repurpose your belongings.
- Try minimalism.
- Get your kids involved.
- Eat local.
- Smell the flowers.
- Take good care of your belongings.
- Watch the sunset.
- Watch the sunrise.
- Go camping.
- Go to a park.
- Learn the 6 Rs of eco-friendly fashion
- Buy recycled, not just recyclable.
- Go to the library, instead of the book store.
- Buy digital copies instead.
- Use both sides of the paper.
- Dispose of all waste correctly.
- Do your best, and when you know better, do better.
If we all make a collective effort, things can get better. I know this isn’t a complete list. What are you doing this earth day?