5 Natural Ways to Clean the Air in Your Home

It looks like we are going to be spending a lot of time in our homes for the foreseeable future, doesn’t it. So, I decided to extend my “spring cleaning” series to a broader home series. The first post… 5 natural ways to clean the air in your home.

Most of us want to have a toxin-free life, and will do what we can to get there. Unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do to control air pollution, the toxins in our soil, or any impurities in our water. We can’t control the toxins in our environment (or at least can’t do very much and certainly can’t do it immediately) but we can control the ones in our own homes. And, for most of us, we really need to! The environment in most of our homes is even more toxic and polluted than the air outdoors.

Fortunately, it is fairly easy to clean the air in your home and will make your life better (at least I think so!).

Why do We Need to Clean the Air in Our Homes?

Well, it is safer. Pollutants commonly found in our homes can cause respiratory distress, eye and skin irritation, headaches, as well as endocrine and hormone disruption and cancer. According to the EPA, our indoor air quality is three times lower than the air outside and it is affected by: 

  • Our cleaning products. Especially anything sprayable and our laundry detergents.
  • Toxins carried in from outside. 
  • Fire retardants that off-gas from our furniture, mattresses and kids’ clothes.
  • Fragrance. 
  • Carbon monoxide from regular use of our appliances. 
  • Volatile organic compounds, like formaldehyde, toluene, and benzene from paint, solvents, glue, and some beauty products.

Inadequate ventilation, humidity and high temperature all aggravate indoor air quality. If our homes are not properly ventilated, these toxins can accumulate to increasingly unhealthy levels, over time. Scary! 

In addition to the physical stress that these pollutants have, we are just now learning about the psychological effect of poor indoor air quality

And it is easy. There are quite a few ways to reduce toxins in your home, and most of them are easy, not very expensive, and will make your life better.

Here are 5 Ways to Clean A Home’s Air:

1. Whatever you do, don’t use an air freshener

Seriously. These are some of the worst offenders when it comes to polluting our home’s air. Ridiculous, I know. But they are just fragrance that we (purposefully) spray into the air that we then go on to breathe. If a home is clean, for the most part, it shouldn’t need an air freshener. If you love fragrance, opt for an essential oil and diffuser, some fresh herbs, or fresh flowers.

2. Open a window

This simple act, bringing sunlight and fresh air in, can help let air flow and get any toxins out. As I mentioned above, for most of us, most of the time, the outside air is cleaner than the air inside, especially if you have a new home or have recently remodeled or replaced carpets or furniture.

3. Get plants

Plants are a beautiful way to clear the air in your home. Not only do they help filter out pollutants, but they also help improve your mood. Choose one of the ones that NASA recommends the best indoor air cleaners, pick one you will have a hard time killing, or find a few that just speak to you. Whatever you choose, love them, nurture them, and enjoy their beauty all year round.

5. Simplify your household products.

There are a lot of things we keep around our homes that are unnecessary and are incredibly toxic. Just like with your beauty routine, simplifying your cleaning routine will help detox your house and keep you and the earth safer. ­­­Stick with ingredients you know and eliminate the things that you don’t need. The EWG recommends eliminating:

  • Dryer sheets
  • Fabric softener
  • Air fresheners, of course
  • Drain cleaners

6. Use only natural household cleaners.

Once you’ve simplified, start switching over to cleaner cleaners, or make your own. The synthetic chemicals in household cleaners can be incredibly harmful, even deadly. There is endless research on what many of the byproducts of our cleaners can do to us, from causing breast cancer to messing with our immune systems. Here is some info on how to clean your home naturally, and the only six ingredients you need to clean your home.  

That’s it. Cleaning up the air in your home is as simple as making sure what you using is non-toxic, that you aren’t over-using (or using at all) certain products, and that you air it all out. And, if you’re looking for more ways to clean up your home naturally, take a look at my series.


Author: fsadmin

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