California has recently stated that we are going to have stay at home orders for at least another two weeks, and even then, we are going to be in a “wait and see” situation. We’ve been handwashing, and social distancing. We’ve been disinfecting everything. Now, LA has asked all residents to wear masks each and every time they leave the house. The CDC has recommended wearing masks as much as possible while in public. So, we all need masks, right?

Not exactly the spring accessory we were hoping for, but at least we can find a few beautiful, ethically produced masks while we are wearing them, right?
There are tons of DIYs online, including this no-sew one that I used before I got my own or these patterns.
If you aren’t able to make your own (or you don’t have a lovely mother who had some extra fabric laying around to make them for you),
Here are a few ethical fashion companies making masks for the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Updating as I find more.

Or, you can search Etsy for an ethically made, local to you mask.
Some of these are so lovely, they make me want to order a few more. Especially the Christy Dawn ones. Who says going to the grocery store during a global pandemic can’t be fashionable?

Anyway, now is a great time to support your favorite ethical fashion company, because after all of this is over, we most definitely want to make sure they are still around.
If you don’t need a mask but want to support a few ethical fashion companies that are making a difference right now, consider shopping at places like Eileen Fisher, are making masks for front line workers but are not selling them. Patagonia will continue paying its employees their entire salaries through all of this.
Hanna Andersson is donating organic cotton jammies to frontline workers and patients, while reducing pay of upper management in order to be able to keep more jobs within the company. Allbirds is donating shoes to healthcare workers (and you can donate a pair too!) Everlane is donating 100% of its profits from its 100% Human line to Feeding America’s Covid-19 Response fund.
I will continue to update this list as I see more, so please let me know what cool/important things your favorite ethical fashion brands are doing to help. And if you want to donate, take a look here.
And, for a different kind of mask, head over to the Detox Market.