A couple of months ago, when I was writing the post on ethical swimwear, I started thinking about the environmental footprint of making fabric, even eco-friendly fabric. Quite a few of the ethical swimwear brands are made using recycled water bottles and fishing nets and other plastic, keeping some plastic out of landfills and oceans.
50+ All-Natural Morning Sickness Remedies (and none of them are ginger)
Congrats! You’re pregnant! Welcome to 9 blissful months of glowing skin, thick glossy hair, kindness from strangers, and of course the all day hell that is “morning” sickness! You are reading this, so I think it is safe to assume that you are probably battling with some form of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. At
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Ethical Beauty
Drugstore Ethical Beauty
One common misconception about ethical fashion and beauty is that it is difficult to find. I will admit that it isn’t always as easy to find as many conventional products, but it is definitely in the stores that you are probably already going to, even if you aren’t a wellness or health food store shopper.
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Ethical Style
Future:Standard’s Guide To Ethical Fashion Certifications and Eco-Friendly Labels
When I first started F:S, I would say “ethical fashion” and usually get a confused look. I would then explain what ethical fashion meant to me back then. Depending on how interested the other person was, I might add a bit about organic cotton, eco-friendly materials, and fair trade. Most people were still confused. Fast
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Product Reviews
Heart Felt Wool Dryer Ball Review
There are very few things I love more than when an eco-friendly product is cheaper, works better, and is more convenient than its conventional counterpart. It doesn’t happen all that often. Heart Felt wool dryer balls are an example. Dryer balls are an important part of any ethical wardrobe, as they reduce the wear and tear
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Ethical Style
Ethical And Eco-Friendly Style For Your First Trimester
First of all, CONGRATS! The miracle of life, the pregnancy glow, creating new life… blah blah blah. Let’s talk about getting dressed in the morning. Ugh. Dressing for pregnancy is hard. Trying to do so, without compromising your values is even harder. I know I always say that you don’t have to compromise values for style