Random Acts of Kindness Week
Did you know that this week is Random Acts of Kindness Week? Or that Random Acts of Kindness Week is a real thing? So, move over Valentine’s Day. Let’s celebrate love with random (or on purpose, whatever your thing is) acts of kindness to those we love.
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation believes in changing the world through teaching and building kindness in the workplace and at school. I love their message. I also love that a lot of their kindness ideas are environmentally-focused, like opting out of junk mail and run your errands in a cluster. But many are simply just kind, like complimenting a fellow driver on their parking. Why not join them this week?
Spend the week spreading love and kindness. Need inspiration? Here are a few of our ideas for being kind to the environment this week. And most of them don’t cost a dime!
Sometimes the winter months can drag on and get a little dreary. Brighten someone’s day with a plant or plant a tree, if you’re really ambitious!
Spend some time in nature. Breath it in and let it ground you.
Go plogging.
Eat vegetarian, just for one day (or the whole week!)
Donate to an environmental non-profit.
Organize a beach cleanup.
Fix a leak.
Ride the bus. Then compliment a stranger while you are there.
Regift something that you are no longer using but a friend might love. Reuse old tissue and wrapping paper to wrap it.
Or get really kind and become a RAKtivist!
For more about the Random Act of Kindness Foundation or to get inspiration, visit their site. And don’t let the week end without expressing kindness in some way.